Market Research/Assessment & Landscape Analysis
We are not here to tell you what you want to hear - we’re here to tell you what you need to hear. We look at the market with critical eyes to give you the good, bad, or ugly truth. However, we can provide a custom view of the market - identifying data needs, mapping key players, and gathering relevant information to inform tailored questions within a regulatory or programmatic environment.
Closed Loop Partners: The team mapped MRF and plastics reclamation infrastructure and capacity, and defined plastic scrap flows in the U.S. and Canada. The team also developed high-level cost ranges for basic sorting, aggregation, and pre-processing needed to prepare post-consumer resins for the form and quality specified by the advanced recycling technologies. The project included an evaluation of potential interventions that would address infrastructure shortfalls, including upgrading material recovery facilities (MRFs), establishing regional plastics recycling facilities (PRFs), and expanding the capacity and capabilities of plastics reclaimers. This work is designed to support the client’s understanding of what the investment opportunities are for advanced recycling along the value chain; support technology companies’ understanding of the plastic feedstock volumes across regions; support investor decisions to establish pilots and/or projects; and visually describe a narrative around the opportunities and need for advance recycling to address plastic scrap for recovery of PE, PP, PET, and PS in the municipal solid waste stream in the U.S. and Canada. View this interactive tool online: Recycling Infrastructure and Plastic Waste Map
This work was conducted by Resa Dimino and a team with RRS.
International Bottled Water Association (IBWA): A study was conducted to model various recycled content scenarios for incorporating recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) and recycled natural high-density polyethylene (rNHDPE) into beverage bottles. Additionally, the study identified gaps in supply, other potential challenges to achieving targeted recycled content levels, and market dynamics related to each recycled resin that may affect the ability to meet modeled targets.
This work was conducted by Resa Dimino and a team with RRS.