Policy & Legislative Analysis and Tracking

Knowledge is power. Knowing is half the battle. Look before you leap. We provide analysis on existing policies, regulations, and statutes. Then we help to identify implications and strategize on potential actions. The bottom line is, you need to understand what already exists before you can take action.


Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Recycling: The team explored alternative legal and relational frameworks with sustainable material management and circular economy objectives. Research was conducted on the existing residential and commercial recycling system to develop a baseline framework scenario. Then the team identified ten alternative framework scenarios and evaluated how well each fulfilled a pre-defined set of criteria that together characterized a well-structured, sustainably-funded, high-performing recycling system aligned with the state’s 2050 Vision for Materials Management. The final report is available to the public at Oregon.gov.

This work was conducted by Resa Dimino and team with RRS.


Optimization of Washington State EPR Model: Assessed EPR system models for packaging and printed paper/paper products (PPP) that would be compatible with Washinton State’s waste and recycling system. The project includes research, stakeholder engagement, and strategic policy development.

This work was conducted by David Stitzhal with Full Circle Environmental.


Industry Studies: Signalfire Group’s managing partners have conducted studies on various materials/industries as independent contractors and while working with specific consulting firms. Collectively they bring knowledge of policy and legislative analysis in the following industries:

  • Batteries

  • Carpet

  • Electronics

  • Lighting

  • Mattresses

  • Medications

  • Mercury

  • Paper

  • Plastics


Textile Policy Services


Market Research/Assessment & Landscape Analysis